Thursday, August 8, 2013

2 years of Blogging

2 years and 979 posts ago I started this blog!!! Like most when I started it I wondered how much I would even post in it, turns out I post an average of 1.34 times per day!!!

On this 2nd year anniversary I decided to change the blog address from  to  Lil has been gone for the last 15 months so this is long over due, and since I have no plans to retire, the sooner I change it the better.

All this address change really effects is people that have this on there blog roll or have the address book marked, the group notice from now on will have the new address on them and none of the content of this blog has been lost or changed.

I would like to thank everyone that has take part in my studio and this blog, the last 10 days I made 2 very long lists of people to thank so I won't do it again for this. On September 6th I will hit another miles stone my biggest yet, the release date of the 100th movie I have directed. It hasn't been filmed yet, that will probably happen next week. When it's released I will make another one of those very long list of people to thank.  100 movies directed will be my proudest accomplishment along with that very long list of people I was able to have star in them all.

So thank you all for work with me these past 2 years and for viewing this blog!

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