Saturday, December 31, 2011

Second life’s Best Studio

We would like to thank all of these fine Actresses and Actors that participated in our Em & Lil film productions and making our studio the best in Second life. We love working with the experience actresses and actors as well as the fresh faces.
We understand that many people on Second Life have dreams of becoming SL porn stars and we try to facilitate that dream the best we can.

Here are the 20 Actresses and 17 Actors we worked with in 2011:
Actresses                                                            Actors
TT (3)                                                                 RavenmanSkwer (2)
HannahsSerenity                                                 Parkur (3)          
Jazzmyn                                                             Pump Action (2)
Quinn Ying (3)                                                     Wolf (5)
Tyler St Taylor (2)                                                 Lexington Ballinger (3)
Arwen  Juneberry (2)                                             Jinx Jiersen
Serenity Juneberry (2)                                          Scooby Mode
Kirsten Smith                                                      Taz Rainfall
Ayara Illios (4)                                                     Alex Latino
Safire                                                                  Lestat Draconia (5)
Sinala                                                                  Razz
 Elisen Skytower                                                  Thorgal McGilivary
Adayra Rebfield                                                   VanHelsing Svoboda (2)
Nikki Luv                                                            Hunter Sorrelwood
Chris Atolia                                                         Morpheous Shelmen
Charli Forsythe                                                    Keith Nyn
Rache                                                                 Jamezz Doulton
Willow Onskan

We shot our first scene on August 7th 2011 and released Baby Oil on August 10th 2011.
4 months and 21 days later and we have 26 movies release from Em & Lil Studios and still going strong with many new ideas. Our blog is doing fantastically and in 2012 we plan to get even more people involve with adding to our blog a weekly pictorial (or 2) to go with our weekly film release and movie stills. Also on our weekend post we try to be informative with “Must Buy of the Week”, product reviews and shoot locations spotlights.

If you have a product you would like us to review, or a location you think we should explore, please send us that product or a land mark to the location.

We are very happy with and proud of the things we have accomplished in 2011 and excited about the things we have planned for 2012!!

Thank you all,
Emily & Linda

Happy New Year!!!

Before we move on to 2012 we had to use the New Year's Eve, Time Square set again.
Here is the hott RachelXstacy in our suite over looking Time Square.






Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year’s Eve, Time Square (movie)

In the Corporate lounge above Time Square on New Year’s Eve, 5 couples get together to enjoy the festivities happing on the streets below. A little Champagne, a little dancing and before you know it these couples are more into each other then what is going on around them.

Starring: Liltxsmile, VanHelsing Svoboda, MissEmily23, Wolf, Quinn Ying, Keith Nyn, Willow Onskan, Lestat Draconia, RachelXstacy & Jamezz Doulton.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year's Eve

Pictures of tomorrows movie release; New Year's Eve, Time Sqaure.
Starring: Liltxsmile, VanHelsing Svoboda, MissEmily23, Wolf, Quinn Ying, Keith Nyn, Willow Onskan, Lestat Draconia, RachelXstacy & Jamezz Doulton.









 Cast of 10, our biggest on set at the same time.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Movie site.

Well early last month I wrote this blog post Naughty Machinima about my frustration with Naughty Machinima.
Just recently I returned there to find out I can upload videos again, for how long I don't know, I'm not sure what limitation they have now, but I plan to upload future movies there until they shut me down again.

I am also uploading my movies to Kitty Shack even though I seem to be one of the few doing so these days.

I REALLY like the quality of videos on SL Porn Tube , BUT it is harder then hell to upload to the site. I tried 5 times today to upload my latest movie, with nothing but frustration. The other 2 sites I mentioned at least have a meter showing what percentage of your upload has been uploaded, with SL Porn Tube I just get a spinning circle, which makes it very hard to know if anything is really even happening. So when you check back 2 hours later to find your movie didn't upload your just left wondering????????? Multiply that by 5 for me today. The other 2 sites uploaded the movie on the very first try.

Yes, I will eventually get the movie on SL Porn Tube, but for tonight I'm just so frustrated with it!!

The Fuckatorium

Emily is a “kept woman”, her man is billionaire and does as he pleases, Emily has no choice but to grin and bear it or turn to being the high priced call girl she once was. Tonight he wants another woman, so to the Fuckatorium they go where sex is everywhere.

Liltxsmile, MissEmily23, Wolf, Quinn Ying, Serenity Juneberry, Arwen Juneberry, Ayara Illios, Lexington Ballinger, Parkur, Chris Atolia, Morpheus Shelmen, TT, Lestat Draconia, Charli Forsythe, Eessence & Rache

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Fuckatorium

Our epic was 3 months and 20 days in the making, with a cast of 16, some of SL's best!! It was suppose to be our 5th production, turned out to be our 25th, but it's finally done and will be released tomorrow!!!
Liltxsmile, MissEmily23, Wolf
Quinn Ying, Serenity Juneberry, Arwen Juneberry
Ayara Illios, Lexington Ballinger, Parkur
Chris Atolia, Morpheus Shelmen, TT, Lestat Draconia
Charli Forsythe, Eessence & Rache

Here are the pictures!!!

The movie was shot in 5 separate parts so many of the actress and actors were never on location together (even the ones that are suppose to be in the same room).