An erotic space adventure series, set 116 years in the future.
Chief Engineer Aiseiri is helping Lieutenant Lemton assimilating to all the technological advancements that have happen in the last 96 years, that passed in just 24 hours for her.
The Krawl are descendants of the Schlongs just not quiet as intelligent or advanced.
Back about a millennium ago the Schlongs lived on the planet Scrotum when a civil war broke out. The ruling monarchy and constituents fled to what is now known as Sheschlong.
It all started with the Schlong's evolving to quickly. The older, conservative, capitalistic, racist Schlongs not liking the way their world was changing, they felt left behind and out of touch with the younger, liberal, progressive, better educated, open minded Schlongs that were ruling Scrotum. The opposition wanted to go back to a time less evolved, unchecked cock power and could do anything they wanted! The queen named them “Krawl” because the era they wanted to go back to was when they were infants learning to walk or even before.
The Krawl are very loose with the truth, they bending the truth to their own narrative. Telling people not to believe the facts of what they have seen or heard. They attacked the media whenever corrected or opposed calling it LIES. The Krawl even created their own media, flooding the mind creating new reality their feeble minded, uneducated, racist followers want and accepted as the truth. Anyone they wanted removed they would spread lies about, publicly humiliating them until they resigned and went into hiding.
The Queen didn't take the Krawl seriously when they calling for her crown. Chanting “Lock her up!”. She thought that everyone could see the lies and the vulgarity of the Krawl leader. But while she was laughing at them they had started a revolution, with the secret help of the Schlong's biggest adversary from another planet they remove her from power.
The first thing the Krawl did in power was remove all the laws, regulations and caps that were enacted during the queen's reign. Essentially turning the clock back to the time the Krawl were learning to crawl. Then the Krawl leader abandoned the Schlong allies and welcomed in their adversaries. They separated children from their parents putting them in “Detention Centers”. That was the final straw that pushed the liberal, progressive, educated, open minded Schlongs off the planet. After that the Krawl leader enacted a Travel Ban, no one could leave Scrotum. She tariffed other planets goods and isolated the planet.
The Krawl leader wasn't for the Krawl that remain, she needed them as labor, remember she was a conservative, capitalist, that became a dictator. She wanted the power to bolster her own businesses and to help huge corporations make more money. In return the corporations kept her in power for a very long time. They raped their planet of natural resources and polluted the air and water. Which helped the pharmaceutical industry, then supplied drugs to counter act the pollutants the Krawl public was ingesting.
The original Krawl leader has long been gone but the ones that followed were very much the same. Thankfully Earth never had to endure anything like that.
STARRING: MissEmily23, Sandy Miggins, Katina Cazalet, Anyka Aiséirí, Racheal Rexen, Brea Brianna, Severina & Melanie LemtonFEATURING: Louise Kristan-Faulds, Serenity Kristan-Faulds, Katrinova, Mellie Criss, Monique LeFry, Selina Anatra, Kelli Kristan, Wendiserves & Brandihotbody
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